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from my archive
"I see more depth, movement, power and stories in your work, can really feel the images in my body, breath taking." Che Rosebert
„Of all the paintings I enjoy the natural landscapes the most. The Mountains appear as crystals and to see such a sight in reality would be quite a beautiful alternative to how I normally see the world. In terms of most of the artwork, I appreciate the absence of strict and rigid forms and structures.
Typically it seems that people search for meaning in haste. I don’t think there can be such a pairing of meaning and experience, words matching the absorption of images. The images come to me in subtle ways that are pre-reflective, never beckoning a description.” Adam Crabtree
„Deine Bilder haben Seele. Nachdem ich mit Dir gesprochen habe, konnte ich Deinen Charakter in den Bildern wiederfinden. Am liebsten würde ich das Matterhorn stehlen. [wurde aber zuvor verkauft – Anmerkung der Künstlerin] Ich liebe die Farben und die Atmosphäre.“ Nathalie Langenecker
“Als ich das Bild (Akt) im „In-Lokal“ in Zürich-West [Les Halles] erblickte war ich von Anbeginn fasziniert und habe es gleich gekauft. Es figuriert unter der Serie „Blauer Traum“, wenn ich nicht irre. Ich hatte etwas später die Gelegenheit die Künstlerin, Inge kennen zu lernen und war von ihrer Erscheinung und von ihrem Wesen ebenso begeistert. Liebe Inge ich wünsche dir mit deiner Kunst und in allen Belangen viel Erfolg und Freude. Herzlich, JPK“ Jean-Pierre Krähenbühl
“Her bodies are seen from the inside.” Graham Frost
“Inge’s lines are powerful and strong, but sensitive at the same time. Very impressive!” Dr. Gerda Laube
“For Inge the human body is the most fascinating subject for still-life drawing and the paintings dramatically reflect this. She demonstrates that the human body can be interpreted as being beautiful, natural and complex as well as being distant, unidentifiable and coarse. The human body is all there is in her work, and to a greater extent all there is in life itself.” David Jesudason
“I love how Inge captures movement and colour – wow!” Linda de Bruyn
“Looking at Inge’s pictures, I see bodies without faces, hands or feet. Every possible identification of personality is left out. It is sometimes even difficult to decide whether it is a female or male body. The naked body is portrayed as neither erotic nor as a necessary tool for living. In these paintings the body is the centre of focus, expressing the emotional state of the individual. It does so with clarity and strength. Every single one of the paintings seems to be a snapshot taken in the immediate aftermath of an important event. And this event has left its mark. Sometimes it is the hunched up shoulders or the turned-away pose, other times the proud frontal presentation that hint at the frame of mind of the subject. The colours shout out this message. These bodies do not want to attract the viewer; they want to tell you their story. I can see people in these paintings who have just met the love of their life and others who have lost everything they lived for. People who have had a hard day at work, and those who are waiting to see what happens next.” Johanna Jacques
„I like the way you use paint and ink; the figures have life to them.“ Jeremy Abernathy
„I am very impressed with your pictures, very beautiful! I am also moved by your great inspiration for bakudan e [bomb pictures].“ Noriko Arai
私も日本画を三年間やって大学に来ました。初めて作品を見させて頂いて情熱的な絵だなと思っております。頑張って絵を描いてください!!! 西澤浩一
とても鮮やかで素晴らしい絵に何か希望のような物を感じました。 根岸大輔
色彩が鮮やかで印象的だった。特に2枚目の絵画がまるで人が燃えているかのような感じがしました。 三木貴史
私は表現主義にとても魅了されています。例えばエミールノルデ“色”と言うのは無限の可能性があると信じており多様な表現形態が追求できる分野だと思っております。特に赤と緑の補色関係には色彩の根源的拮抗があると感じそれを巧く使いこなせるアーティストはとても素晴らしいものと感慨を受け卒倒させられます。 東慶太
青の色が力強く又鮮烈でどこかもの悲しく印象に残りました。 北嶋さん